EUV Image Query and Plot
Import packages¶
# Some standard python packages
import os
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Tell python where your local copy of chmap is located
import sys
Import chmap functions
import chmap.database.db_classes as db_class
import chmap.database.db_funs as db_funcs
import chmap.utilities.datatypes.datatypes as psi_dtypes
import chmap.utilities.plotting.psi_plotting as psi_plots
Initialize Database Connection¶
The paths used below assume that we want to connect to a local version of the SQLite example-database and filesystem (download, ~6GB). In the paths below, the example filesystem is located at '/Volumes/extdata2/CHMAP_DB_example'. However, the same commands can be used to connect to the remote MySQL database.
Database type and credentials¶
Example code below is for a local SQLite connection, but includes all fields required for a remote MySQL connection.
# Designate database-type and credentials
db_type = "sqlite" # 'sqlite' Use local SQLite file-based db
# 'mysql' Use a remote MySQL database
user = "turtle" # only needed for remote databases.
password = "" # See example109 for setting-up an encrypted password. In
# this case leave password="", and init_db_conn() will
# automatically find and use your saved password. Otherwise,
# enter your MySQL password here.
# If password=="", then be sure to specify the directory where encrypted credentials
# are stored. Setting cred_dir=None will cause the code to attempt to automatically
# determine a path to the settings/ directory.
cred_dir = "/Users/turtle/GitReps/CHMAP/chmap/settings"
Paths and database name¶
# Database paths
map_data_dir = "/Volumes/extdata2/CHMAP_DB_example/maps"
hdf_data_dir = "/Volumes/extdata2/CHMAP_DB_example/processed_images"
raw_data_dir = "/Volumes/extdata2/CHMAP_DB_example/raw_images"
# Specify the database location. In the case of MySQL, this will be an IP address or
# remote host name. For SQLite, this will be the full path to a database file.
# mysql
# db_loc = ""
# sqlite
db_loc = "/Volumes/extdata2/CHMAP_DB_example/chmap_example.db"
# specify which database to connect to (unnecessary for SQLite)
mysql_db_name = "chd"
Start python SQLAlchemy session/connection to database
# Establish connection to database
db_session = db_funcs.init_db_conn(db_type, db_class.Base, db_loc, db_name=mysql_db_name,
user=user, password=password, cred_dir=cred_dir)
Attempting to connect to SQLite DB server /Volumes/extdata2/CHMAP_DB_example/chmap_example.db Connection successful
Sample image query¶
Query all EUV images/wavelengths in the specified time range.
# set time range
query_time_min = datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0)
query_time_max = datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 1, 7, 0, 0)
# query database for images
image_pd = db_funcs.query_euv_images(db_session, time_min=query_time_min,
Index(['data_id', 'date_obs', 'instrument', 'wavelength', 'distance', 'cr_lon', 'cr_lat', 'cr_rot', 'flag', 'time_of_download', 'fname_raw', 'fname_hdf'], dtype='object')
View query results, including relative paths to the raw and deconvolved files
# view select columns from the results
image_pd.loc[:, ['date_obs', 'instrument', 'fname_raw', 'fname_hdf']]
date_obs | instrument | fname_raw | fname_hdf | |
0 | 2011-02-01 02:00:32 | AIA | 2011/02/01/aia_lev1_euv_12s_20110201T020032_19... | 2011/02/01/aia_lvl2_20110201T020031_193.h5 |
1 | 2011-02-01 04:00:32 | AIA | 2011/02/01/aia_lev1_euv_12s_20110201T040032_19... | 2011/02/01/aia_lvl2_20110201T040031_193.h5 |
2 | 2011-02-01 06:00:32 | AIA | 2011/02/01/aia_lev1_euv_12s_20110201T060032_19... | 2011/02/01/aia_lvl2_20110201T060031_193.h5 |
3 | 2011-02-01 02:00:30 | EUVI-A | 2011/02/01/sta_euvi_20110201T020030_195.fits | 2011/02/01/euvia_lvl2_20110201T020030_195.h5 |
4 | 2011-02-01 04:00:30 | EUVI-A | 2011/02/01/sta_euvi_20110201T040030_195.fits | 2011/02/01/euvia_lvl2_20110201T040030_195.h5 |
5 | 2011-02-01 06:00:30 | EUVI-A | 2011/02/01/sta_euvi_20110201T060030_195.fits | 2011/02/01/euvia_lvl2_20110201T060030_195.h5 |
6 | 2011-02-01 02:01:08 | EUVI-B | 2011/02/01/stb_euvi_20110201T020107_195.fits | 2011/02/01/euvib_lvl2_20110201T020107_195.h5 |
7 | 2011-02-01 04:01:08 | EUVI-B | 2011/02/01/stb_euvi_20110201T040107_195.fits | 2011/02/01/euvib_lvl2_20110201T040107_195.h5 |
8 | 2011-02-01 06:01:08 | EUVI-B | 2011/02/01/stb_euvi_20110201T060107_195.fits | 2011/02/01/euvib_lvl2_20110201T060107_195.h5 |
Plot the raw .fits image¶
plot_image_num = 0
fits_infile_aia = os.path.join(raw_data_dir, image_pd.fname_raw[plot_image_num])
# Load images image using the built-in methods of SunPy
# This creates a sunpy "map" structure which is a nice way to handle metadata
map_aia = # AIA is the EUV telescope on SDO
# now save a plot using the sunpy plot example
# map_aia.draw_limb()
Plot the deconvolved image (hdf .h5 file)¶
# open the first image as an 'LosImage'
image_path = os.path.join(hdf_data_dir, image_pd.fname_hdf[plot_image_num])
psi_image = psi_dtypes.read_los_image(image_path)
Pre-processing images are deconvolved, but also rotated and/or re-centered as needed.
# plot deconvolved image
# Close connection to database