Traversing and Analyzing Coronal Hole Connectivity Graph¶
import pickle
import networkx as nx
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as c
import matplotlib
import cv2
import datetime as dt
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})
from import plot_coronal_hole
import chmap.database.db_classes as db_class
import chmap.database.db_funs as db_funs
import chmap.maps.magnetic.flux.br_flux as br_flux
Set directory paths.¶
# folder with saved pkl files from running the tracking algorithm.
res_dir = '/Users/osissan/desktop/CHT_RESULTS/2007to2020'
# folder with downloaded synchronic maps and magnetic flux maps.
map_dir = '/Users/osissan/desktop/CH_DB'
Log in to the Database.¶
user = "opalissan"
password = "" # encrypted.
db_session = db_funs.init_db_conn_old(db_name='mysql-Q', chd_base=db_class.Base,
user=user, password=password)
Attempting to connect to DB server mysql://opalissan:****pwd**** Connection successful
Read in Coronal Hole Connectivity Graph¶
Saved as a pickle file in DropBox.
pickle_file = os.path.join(res_dir + '/connectivity_graph_2007-06-03-10-01-24.pkl')
graph = pickle.load(open(pickle_file, "rb"))
G = graph.G
Analyze Properties of the Connectivity Graph¶
print("Total number of nodes: ", G.number_of_nodes())
print("Total number of edges: ", G.number_of_edges())
print("Total number of subplots: ", len(list(nx.connected_components(G))))
Total number of nodes: 4127 Total number of edges: 4146 Total number of subplots: 81
# order subgraphs based on average node area
subgraph_ordered = graph.order_subgraphs_based_on_area()
# save the total number of nodes in a subgraph
num_nodes_list = []
for ii, g in enumerate(subgraph_ordered):
subgraph = G.subgraph(g)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 6))
_ = ax.scatter(np.arange(len(num_nodes_list)), num_nodes_list)
_ = ax.set_ylabel("Number of Nodes")
_ = ax.set_xlabel("Subgraph Index")
_ = ax.set_title("Connected Subgraphs Total Number of Nodes \n Ordered by Average Node Area")
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/subgraph_node_size.png')
From the plot above, it is visible that the graph has three main subgraphs. Assumption: One of the main subgraphs is connected to the north pole and the other to the south. Lets examine the first and second subgraph (with the largest number of nodes $\approx$ 1750)
main_subgraph_1 = G.subgraph(subgraph_ordered[0])
main_subgraph_2 = G.subgraph(subgraph_ordered[1])
# list with all weights in G.
w_list = [w["weight"] for u,v,w in]
# analyze the weight between nodes that have the same id and nodes that have a different id.
adj_diff_list = []
adj_same_list = []
# loop over all edges in G.
for u,v,w in
# different id.
if G.nodes[u]["id"] != G.nodes[v]["id"]:
# same id.
print("Number of edges between nodes of the same ID = ", len(adj_same_list))
print("Number of edges between nodes with different ID = ", len(adj_diff_list))
Number of edges between nodes of the same ID = 4012 Number of edges between nodes with different ID = 134
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=2, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 6))
mu, sigma =
n , bins, _ = ax[0][0].hist(w_list, 25, density=True)
best_fit_line = stats.norm.pdf(bins, mu, sigma)
_ = ax[0][0].plot(bins, best_fit_line, color="red")
_ = ax[0][0].set_title("All Edge Weights \n $\mu$ = %.2f, median = %.2f, $\sigma$ = %.2f" % (mu, np.median(w_list), sigma))
_ = ax[0][0].set_ylabel("Probability density")
_ = ax[1][0].hist(w_list, 25)
_ = ax[1][0].set_xlabel("Weight")
_ = ax[1][0].set_ylabel("Count")
mu2, sigma2 =
n , bins2, _ = ax[0][1].hist(adj_diff_list, 25, density=True, color="orange")
best_fit_line2 = stats.norm.pdf(bins2, mu2, sigma2)
_ = ax[0][1].plot(bins2, best_fit_line2, color="red")
_ = ax[0][1].set_title("Adjacent different IDs \n $\mu$ = %.2f, median = %.2f, $\sigma$ = %.2f" % (mu2, np.median(adj_diff_list), sigma2))
_ = ax[0][1].set_ylabel("Probability Density")
_ = ax[1][1].hist(adj_diff_list, 25, color="orange")
_ = ax[1][1].set_xlabel("Weight")
_ = ax[1][1].set_ylabel("Count")
mu3, sigma3 =
n , bins3, _ = ax[0][2].hist(adj_same_list, 25, density=True, color="green")
best_fit_line3 = stats.norm.pdf(bins3, mu3, sigma3)
_ = ax[0][2].plot(bins3, best_fit_line3, color="red")
_ = ax[0][2].set_title("Adjacent same ID \n $\mu$ = %.2f, median = %.2f, $\sigma$ = %.2f" % (mu3, np.median(adj_same_list), sigma3))
_ = ax[0][2].set_ylabel("Probability Density")
_ = ax[1][2].hist(adj_same_list, 25, color="green")
_ = ax[1][2].set_xlabel("Weight")
_ = ax[1][2].set_ylabel("Count")
fig.suptitle("Main Graph")
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/edge_distribution_G.png')
How to Traverse the Graph to explore all the nodes related to the North Pole Coronal Hole?¶
Step 1: First find the coronal holes that are in similar regions in the first and last frame.
for node in G.nodes:
if G.nodes[node]["id"] == 4 and G.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == 1000:
if G.nodes[node]["id"] == 4 and G.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == 1:
{'area': 0.1777568, 'id': 4, 'frame_num': 1, 'frame_timestamp': Timestamp('2007-03-01 00:01:48'), 'count': 0, 'color': [244, 230, 94], 'net_flux': 0.5546990722427789, 'abs_flux': 0.559596492926508} 1_4_0 {'area': 0.41803846, 'id': 4, 'frame_num': 1000, 'frame_timestamp': Timestamp('2007-06-03 10:01:24'), 'count': 0, 'color': [244, 230, 94], 'net_flux': 1.3488836106873416, 'abs_flux': 1.3749790336408365} 1000_4_0
Define the start and end nodes.
start = "1_4_0"
end = "1000_4_0"
Step 2: Create a directed version of our main Graph
DiG = G.to_directed()
Step 3: Find the shortest path by using the Dijkstra's algorithm
# define the cost function
def func(n1, n2, d):
if G.nodes[n1]["id"] == DiG.nodes[n2]["id"]:
return 0
weight = DiG.get_edge_data(n1, n2)["weight"]
return 1 - weight
# apply dijkstra's algorithm
path1 = nx.algorithms.shortest_paths.weighted.dijkstra_path(DiG, source=start, target=end, weight=func)
set_of_classes = set()
for node in path1:
#print(str(node) + ", id: " + str(G.nodes[node]["id"]) + ", frame: "+ str(G.nodes[node]["frame_num"]) )
path_g = G.subgraph(path1)
unique_id_class = []
for id_class in list(set_of_classes):
for node in path_g.nodes:
if path_g.nodes[node]["id"] == id_class:
# set time array for plotting purposes
timearray = np.arange('2007-03-01T00', '2007-06-03T10',np.timedelta64(2*68,'m'), dtype='datetime64')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# draw graph, nodes positions are based on their count and frame_num.
# labels are the coronal hole id number.
pos, labels = graph.get_plot_features(sub_graph=path_g)
edge_weights = nx.get_edge_attributes(G=path_g, name='weight')
edges, weights = zip(*edge_weights.items())
# plot nodes and labels.
nx.draw(path_g, pos=pos, font_weight='bold', ax=ax, node_size=700,
node_color=[c.to_rgba(np.array(path_g.nodes[ch]["color"]) / 255)
for ch in path_g.nodes], edgelist=[])
for ch in unique_id_class:
ax.scatter([],[], c=[c.to_rgba(np.array(path_g.nodes[ch]["color"]) / 255)], label='ID {}'.format(path_g.nodes[ch]["id"]))
nx.draw_networkx_edges(path_g, pos=pos, edge_color=weights, edgelist=edges,'Greys'), edge_vmin=0,
edge_vmax=1, width=3, ax=ax)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G=path_g, pos=pos, edge_labels=edge_weights, ax=ax, alpha=1, font_size=10)
# Only show ticks on the left and bottom spines
ax.set_xlim(tuple(sum(i) for i in zip(ax.get_xlim(), (-0.5, 0.5))))
# set y ticks
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, len(timearray), len(timearray))[::150])
ax.set_yticklabels(timearray[::150], fontsize=12)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', rotation=40)
_ = ax.set_title("Coronal Hole Connectivity North")
_ = plt.gca().legend()
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/north_ch_shortest_path_res_4to4.png')
Spatio-temporal Analysis of the North pole - Area and Flux vs. Time¶
First, lets examine the area over time of the north coronal hole.
frame_array = np.arange(1, 1000)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
for frame in frame_array:
holder = []
for node in path_g:
if path_g.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
area = 0
for node in holder:
area += path_g.nodes[node]["area"]
if area != 0:
ax.scatter(frame, area, c=[c.to_rgba(np.array(path_g.nodes[holder[0]]["color"]) / 255)])
for ch in unique_id_class:
ax.scatter([],[], c=[c.to_rgba(np.array(path_g.nodes[ch]["color"]) / 255)], label='ID {}'.format(path_g.nodes[ch]["id"]))
# set x ticks to be timestamps
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, len(timearray), len(timearray))[::100])
ax.set_xticklabels(timearray[::100], fontsize=12)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=15)
# label axis
_ = ax.set_ylabel("Area ($R_{\odot}^2$)")
_ = ax.set_title("North Pole Coronal Hole Shortest Path Spatiotemporal Properties")
_ = plt.legend()
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/north_ch_shortest_path_area.png')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
for frame in frame_array:
holder = []
for node in path_g:
if path_g.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
# initialize net flux and absolute flux.
nf, af = 0, 0
for node in holder:
nf += path_g.nodes[node]["net_flux"]
af += path_g.nodes[node]["abs_flux"]
if nf !=0:
ax.scatter(frame, nf, c="b")
if af !=0:
ax.scatter(frame, af, c="r")
# add label to net and absolute flux.
ax.scatter([],[], c="b", label="Net-Flux")
ax.scatter([], [], c="r", label="Abs-Flux")
# set x ticks to be timestamps
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, len(timearray), len(timearray))[::100])
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=15)
# label axis
_ = ax.set_ylabel("$\Phi_{B}$")
_ = plt.legend()
_ = ax.set_title("North Pole Coronal Hole Shortest Path Flux")
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/north_ch_shortest_path_net_flux.png')
North Shortest Path and Neighbors¶
Shorstest path described above and neighoring nodes that their edge connection is greater than a certain threshold.
THRESH = 0.5
north_and_ne = path_g.copy()
# add all nodes that are adjacent to nodes in shortest path
for node in path_g:
for adj_node in G[node]:
# if the edge weight is greater than threshold, then add the neighbor node.
if G[node][adj_node]['weight'] >= THRESH:
# check if the node already exists in shortest path
if adj_node not in north_and_ne.nodes:
# add the node.
for u,v,w in
# if the two nodes exist in the shorstest path and neighbors then add the edge.
if u in north_and_ne and v in north_and_ne:
if not north_and_ne.has_edge(u, v):
north_and_ne.add_edge(u, v, weight=w)
ne_classes = set()
for node in north_and_ne:
'{49, 4, 54}'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
for frame in frame_array:
holder = []
for node in north_and_ne:
if north_and_ne.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
area = 0
for node in holder:
area += north_and_ne.nodes[node]["area"]
if area != 0:
ax.scatter(frame, area, c=['r' if len(holder) > 1 else 'b'])
# set color label
ax.scatter([], [], c="r", label="npf $>$ 1")
ax.scatter([], [], c="b", label="npf $\leq$ 1")
# set x ticks to be timestamps
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, len(timearray), len(timearray))[::150])
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=15)
_ = ax.set_ylabel("Area ($R_{\odot}^2$)")
# _ = ax.set_title("North Pole Coronal Hole Shortest Path and Neighbors Spatiotemporal Properties \n Edge Threshold is " + str(THRESH) + "\n " + str(ne_classes))
_ = ax.set_title("North Pole Coronal Hole Shortest Path and Neighbors Spatiotemporal Properties \n Edge Threshold is " + str(THRESH))
_ = plt.legend()
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/north_ch_shortest_path_and_ne_area' + str(THRESH) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
for frame in frame_array:
holder = []
for node in north_and_ne:
if north_and_ne.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
# initialize net flux and absolute flux.
nf, af = 0, 0
for node in holder:
nf += north_and_ne.nodes[node]["net_flux"]
af += north_and_ne.nodes[node]["abs_flux"]
if nf !=0:
ax.scatter(frame, nf, c="b")
if af !=0:
ax.scatter(frame, af, c="r")
# add label to net and absolute flux.
ax.scatter([],[], c="b", label="Net-Flux")
ax.scatter([], [], c="r", label="Abs-Flux")
# set x ticks to be timestamps
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, len(timearray), len(timearray))[::150])
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=15)
# label axis
_ = ax.set_ylabel("$\Phi_{B}$")
_ = plt.legend()
_ = ax.set_title("North Pole Coronal Hole Shortest Path and Neighbors Flux \n Edge Threshold is " + str(THRESH))
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/north_ch_shortest_path_and_ne_flux' + str(THRESH) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
North shortest path and neighbors classes¶
Shorstest path described above and neighoring nodes and all nodes with the same ID that their edge connection is greater than a certain threshold.
north_and_ne_c = north_and_ne.copy()
# add all nodes that are adjacent to nodes in shortest path
for node in G:
if node not in north_and_ne_c.nodes and G.nodes[node]["id"] in ne_classes:
# add the node.
for u,v,w in
# if the two nodes exist in the shorstest path and neighbors then add the edge.
if u in north_and_ne_c and v in north_and_ne_c:
if not north_and_ne_c.has_edge(u, v):
north_and_ne_c.add_edge(u, v, weight=w)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
for frame in frame_array:
holder = []
for node in north_and_ne_c:
if north_and_ne_c.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
area = 0
for node in holder:
area += north_and_ne_c.nodes[node]["area"]
#if len(holder) == 0:
# print("no nodes in this frame", frame)
if area != 0:
ax.scatter(frame, area, c=['r' if len(holder) > 1 else 'b'])
ax.scatter([], [], c="r", label="npf $>$ 1")
ax.scatter([], [], c="b", label="npf $\leq$ 1")
# set x ticks to be timestamps
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, len(timearray), len(timearray))[::150])
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=15)
_ = ax.set_ylabel("Area ($R_{\odot}^2$)")
_ = ax.set_title("North Pole Coronal Hole Shortest Path and Neighbors Classes Spatiotemporal Properties \n Edge Threshold is " + str(THRESH))
_ = plt.legend()
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/north_ch_shortest_path_and_ne_c_area' + str(THRESH) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
for frame in frame_array:
holder = []
for node in north_and_ne_c:
if north_and_ne_c.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
# initialize net flux and absolute flux.
nf, af = 0, 0
for node in holder:
nf += north_and_ne_c.nodes[node]["net_flux"]
af += north_and_ne_c.nodes[node]["abs_flux"]
if nf !=0:
ax.scatter(frame, nf, c="b")
if af !=0:
ax.scatter(frame, af, c="r")
# add label to net and absolute flux.
ax.scatter([],[], c="b", label="Net-Flux")
ax.scatter([], [], c="r", label="Abs-Flux")
# set x ticks to be timestamps
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, len(timearray), len(timearray))[::150])
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=15)
# label axis
_ = ax.set_ylabel("$\Phi_{B}$")
_ = plt.legend()
_ = ax.set_title("North Pole Coronal Hole Shortest Path and Neighbors Classes Flux \n Edge Threshold is " + str(THRESH))
plt.savefig(res_dir + '/figures/north_ch_shortest_path_and_ne_c_flux' + str(THRESH) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
print("Total number of nodes shortest path + neighbors: ", north_and_ne.number_of_nodes())
print("Total number of edges: ", north_and_ne.number_of_edges())
print("Total number of nodes shortest path + neighbors and classes: ", north_and_ne_c.number_of_nodes())
print("Total number of edges: ", north_and_ne_c.number_of_edges())
Total number of nodes shortest path + neighbors: 1003 Total number of edges: 1003 Total number of nodes shortest path + neighbors and classes: 1027 Total number of edges: 1038
Create Video¶
# choose codec according to format needed
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
video = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join(res_dir, "north_pole_ne_c" + str(THRESH) + ".mov"), fourcc, 40, (1200, 800))
for frame in frame_array:
holder = []
for node in north_and_ne_c:
if north_and_ne_c.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
timestamp = None
for node in G:
if G.nodes[node]["frame_num"] == frame:
timestamp = G.nodes[node]["frame_timestamp"]
if timestamp is not None:
pickle_file = str(timestamp).replace(':', '-') + ".pkl"
pickle_file = pickle_file.replace(" ", "-")
frame_read = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(res_dir + "/pkl/" + pickle_file), "rb"))
ch_list = frame_read.contour_list
for ch in ch_list:
ch_id = str(frame) + "_" + str( + "_" + str(ch.count)
if ch_id not in list(north_and_ne_c.nodes):
ch.color = (169,169,169)
plot_coronal_hole(ch_list, 160, 400, "North Coronal Hole \n Time: " + str(frame_read.timestamp),
filename=os.path.join(res_dir, "frames_north.png"),
plot_rect=False, plot_circle=True, circle_radius=50,
thickness_circle=1, thickness_rect=2, fontscale=0.3,
origin=None, dpi=200)
image_file_name = os.path.join(res_dir, "frames_north.png")
img = cv2.imread(image_file_name)